Tabreq Car Services Valid until Jan. 20, 2025
Tabreq Platform is a specialized intermediary platform providing protection and care services for vehicles. It works by identifying service providers, comparing the best prices, making purchases through the platform, and coordinating service execution. All guarantees are provided by the service provider, along with the provision of various electronic payment services, including the Tabby service. Tabarq is pleased to act as an intermediary in protection and care services for vehicles, such as polishing, thermal insulation, exterior body protection, and more. We are offering a 5% discount code for the employees of King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM): Discount Code: KFUPM5 The code is valid for use in all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where our partners are present.
  • Tabreq Car Services
  • 0547760444
  • 0547760444